• Khaled Hosseini

    {EN} And The Mountains Echoed, Khaled Hosseini

    1. “For courage, there must be something at stake. I come here with nothing to lose.” 2. „A story is like a moving train: no matter where you hop onboard, you are bound to reach your destination sooner or later.” 3. „I suspect the truth is that we are waiting, all of us, against insurmountable odds, for something extraordinary to happen to us.” 4. „They say, Find a purpose in your life and live it. But, sometimes, it is only after you have lived that you recognize your life had a purpose, and likely one you never had in mind. And now that I had fulfilled mine, I felt aimless…

  • Neil Gaiman

    {EN} Coraline, Neil Gaiman

    Recenzie Coraline 1. “No,” said the cat.”Now, you people have names. That’s because you don’t know who you are. We know who we are, so we don’t need names.” 2. “It wasn’t brave because he wasn’t scared: it was the only thing he could do. But going back again to get his glasses, when he knew the wasps were there, when he was really scared. That was brave. When you’re scared but you still do it anyway, that’s brave.” 3. “The names are the first things to go, after the breath has gone, and the beating of the heart. We keep our memories longer than our names.”

  • John Green

    {EN} The Fault in Our Stars

    Recenzie Sub aceeași stea 1. “Sometimes, you read a book and it fills you with this weird evangelical zeal, and you become convinced that the shattered world will never be put back together unless and until all living humans read the book. And then there are books like An Imperial Affliction, which you can’t tell people about, books so special and rare and yours that advertising your affection feels like a betrayal.” 2. “So of course I tensed up when he touched me. To be with him was to hurt him—inevitably. And that’s what I’d felt as he reached for me: I’d felt as though I were committing an act…

  • Lauren Graham

    {EN} Someday, Someday, Maybe

    1. “There wasn’t any one day where it came to me. My mother died and I started pretending it didn’t happen to me, started imagining what it would be like to have someone else’s life story, and pretending became a relief. It wasn’t a conscious decision. Moving to New York was a decision, but wanting to be an actor was always more of a given.” 2. ‘I can walk at a leisurely pace down Fifth Avenue and imagine that someday, maybe, I’ll go into one of these stores instead of just walking past them looking hungrily into their windows, that someday, maybe, I’ll be carrying a real purse and wearing…

  • Markus Zusak

    {EN} The Book Thief – Markus Zusak

    1. “Within minutes, mounds of concrete and earth were stacked and piled. The streets were ruptured veins. Blood streamed till it was dried on the road, and the bodies were stuck there, like driftwood after the flood. They were glued down, every last one of them. A packet of souls. Was it fate? Misfortune? Is that what glued them down like that? Of course not. Let’s not be stupid. It probably had more to do with the hurled bombs, thrown down by humans hiding in the clouds.” 2. “The impoverished always try to keep moving, as if relocating might help. They ignore the reality that a new version of the…

  • Jeffrey Eugenides

    {EN} Middlesex – Jeffrey Eugenides

    Recenzie Middlesex 1. „To the extent that fetal hormones affect brain chemistry and histology, I’ve got a male brain. But I was raised as a girl.” 2. „In any genetic history. I’m the final clause in a periodic sentence, and that sentence begins a long time ago, in another language, and you have to read it from the beginning to get to the end, which is my arrival.”

  • Aldous Huxley

    {RO} Minunata Lume Nouă – Aldous Huxley

    1. „Bărbaţi standardizaţi, femei standardizate; în loturi uniforme, întregul personal al unei fabrici alcătuit din produsele unui singur ovul bokanovskificat.” 2. „Nouăzeci şi şase de gemeni identici lucrând la nouăzeci şi şase de maşini identice! Glasul îi vibra de entuziasm: acuma ştiţi cum stăm. Pentru prima dată în istorie avem Comunitate, Identitate, Stabilitate.” 3. „Dar tehnica lui Podsnap accelerase extraordinar procesul de coacere. Se puteau asigura cel puţin o sută cincizeci de ovule mature în decurs de doi ani. Fertilizarea şi bokanovskificarea – cu alte cuvinte o înmulţire cu 72 – aşa obţii o medie de aproape unsprezece mii de fraţi şi surori în o sută cincizeci de loturi de…

  • Simone de Beauvoir

    {FR} Mémoires d’une jeune fille rangée – Simone de Beauvoir

    1. Faire de sa propre existence l’objet de son écriture, c’était en partie sortir de ce dilemme. 2. Les brunes aux yeux blues ne sont pas, m’on avait dit, une espèce commune et déjà j’avais appris à tenir pour précieuses les choses rares. 3. Mais je refusais de céder a cette force impalpable : les mots ; ce qui me révoltait c’est qu’une phrase négligemment lancée : « Il faut… il ne faut pas » ruinât en un instant mes entreprises et mes joies. 4. Je désobéissais pour le seul plaisir de ne pas obéir. […] Souvent j’avais même oublie l’objet de ma révolte. 5. Les joies et les peines…

  • Isabel Allende

    {RO} Țara mea inventată – Isabel Allende

    Recenzie Țara mea inventată 1.    „Am fost o straina toata viata, conditie pe care o accept pentru ca n-am incotro. Am fost adesea obligata sa plec, rupand legaturi si lasand totul in urma, pentru a o lua de la inceput in alta parte; am ratacit pe mai multe carari decat pot sa imi aduc aminte. De atatea despartiri mi s-au uscat radacinile si a trebuit sa produc altele, care, lipsindu-mi un loc geografic in care sa le infig, au crescut in amintire; dar, atentie, memoria e un labirint unde stau la panda minotaurii.” 2. „Nostalgia e viciul meu. Nostalgia este un sentiment melancolic, un pic vulgar, ca si duiosia.” 3.…