Virginia Woolf
{EN} To the Lighthouse – Virginia Woolf
1. „Indeed he seemed to her sometimes made differently from other people, born blind, deaf and dumb to the ordinary things, but to the extraordinary things, with an eye like an eagle’s. His understandings often astonished her.” 2. „What does one live for? Why, one asked oneself, does one take all these pains for the human race to go on? Is it so very desirable? Are we attractive as a species? Not so very, he thought (…). Foolish questions, vain questions, questions one never asked if one was occupied. Is human life this? Is human life that? One never had time to think about it. (…) friendships, even the best…
{RO} Camera lui Jacob – Virginia Woolf
1. „Cine va uita ca aceasta uitare de sine, cand se insoteste cu abundenta, bun-simt, paloare, atitudini intamplatoare, clipe de uimitoare indrazneala, umor si sentimentalism – cine va nega ca in aceste privinte o femeie este mai agreabila decat orice barbat?” 2. „Suntem fie barbati, fie femei. Fie ca suntem reci, fie ca suntem sentimentali. Ori suntem tineri, ori imbatranim. In orice caz, viata nu este decat un cortegiu de umbre si Dumnezeu stie de ce le imbratisam cu atata nerabdare si cand ne despartim de ele suferim atata, nefiind decat niste umbre. Si de ce daca acest lucru si multe altele, pe deasupra sunt adevarate, de ce suntem inca…