Dear reader, welcome to my blog!
I started this blog out of love for book quotes, but most important, to not let the books I read be forgotten. To keep them at a „search” away when I don’t remember well what was the quote I liked so much in a certain book. To let books speak for themselves so that other readers find inspiration and go „find it in the book”.
When there was no computer in my room and no Internet connection, I used to write by hand the quotes I loved. Then my father gave me a typing machine as a gift and I had fun rewriting them. Then I got a computer and again rewrote them in a blank Word document. Now I have a Kindle and download the Clippings on my laptop and post the quotes on this blog.
However, after a while I decided to use this blog for everything book related. Not because I didn’t highlight quotes anymore, but because there was so much more bookish stuff I wanted to share that now you can find here, besides the quotes, photos I take of my books, reviews I post on Goodreads, bookish events I go to.
There are some posts with quotes in Romanian (since I am Romanian and obviously read in my mother tongue) and also in French (another language I enjoy reading in). They are not very frequent because I focus on English quotes, but from time to time there will be posts in all of these languages.
Thanks for stopping by and if the quotes, photos or reviews inspire you to pick up the book and read it, my mission reached its purpose. But I would very much like to know if you enjoyed it.
Keep on reading!