• Isabel Allende

    {RO} Țara mea inventată – Isabel Allende

    Recenzie Țara mea inventată 1.    „Am fost o straina toata viata, conditie pe care o accept pentru ca n-am incotro. Am fost adesea obligata sa plec, rupand legaturi si lasand totul in urma, pentru a o lua de la inceput in alta parte; am ratacit pe mai multe carari decat pot sa imi aduc aminte. De atatea despartiri mi s-au uscat radacinile si a trebuit sa produc altele, care, lipsindu-mi un loc geografic in care sa le infig, au crescut in amintire; dar, atentie, memoria e un labirint unde stau la panda minotaurii.” 2. „Nostalgia e viciul meu. Nostalgia este un sentiment melancolic, un pic vulgar, ca si duiosia.” 3.…

  • Wendeline Van Draanen

    {EN} Flipped – Wendeline Van Draanen

    Recenzie Flipped 1. „She’s got no concept of personal space. No respect for privacy. The world is her playground” 2. „Juli Baker is the kind of annoying person who makes a point of letting you know she’s smart.” 3. „What did a kiss feel like, anyway? Somehow I knew it wouldn’t be like the one I got from Mom or Dad at bedtime. The same species, maybe, but a radically different beast, to be sure.” 4. „But all of a sudden my stomach completely bailed on me. Juli loved that tree. Stupid as it was, she loved that tree, and cutting it down would be like cutting out her heart.”

  • J.M. Coetzee

    {EN} Disgrace – J.M. Coetzee

    Recenzie Dezonoare 1. “Affection may not be love, but it is at least its cousin.” 2. “Wine, music: a ritual that men and women play out with each other. Nothing wrong with rituals, they were invented to ease the awkward passages.” 3. “A woman’s beauty does not belong to her alone. It is part of the bounty she brings into the world. She has a duty to share it.” 4. “When all else fails, philosophize.”