• Gabriel Garcia-Marquez

    {RO} Dragostea în vremea holerei – Gabriel Garcia-Marquez

    Recenzie: Dragostea in vremea holerei 1. „Cu totul alta ar fi fost viaţa lor dacă ar fi înţeles la timp că e mai simplu să eviţi marile catastrofe matrimoniale decât mizeriile mărunte de fiecare zi. Până la urmă, au învăţat totuşi ceva împreună, şi anume, că înţelepciunea ne vine când nu mai avem ce face cu ea.” 2. „Ce păcat că mai sunt oameni care se sinucid din alte motive decât din dragoste.” 3. „Toate lucrurile care aparţinuseră soţului ei îi stârneau şi mai mult lacrimile: papucii cu ciucuri, pijamaua de sub pernă, luciul fără de el din oglinda măsuţei de toaletă, mirosul lui impregnat în propria piele. A tresărit…

  • Dan Lungu

    {RO} Cum să uiţi o femeie – Dan Lungu

    1. „Vrând-nevrând, începuse să-şi intre în meserie şi să-şi dezmorţească spiritul de observaţie şi simţul critic. Pe vremea când frecventa conferinţele de presă, o perioadă foarte scurtă, învăţase să fie iscoditor şi enervant. Din pricina profesiei îşi cultivase o asemenea atitudine, deşi firea lui era alta, ceva mai meditativă. Dacă nu eşti perspicace şi inflamat, autorităţile te duc cu preşul, înghiţi numai propagandă şi PR.” 2. „Comuniştii, fără să-şi dea seama, pretindea amicul meu, prin propaganda tâmpă naţionalistă, pregătiseră o generaţie căreia, deşi nu la dimensiunile din filme, i se inoculase virusul dreptăţii şi era capabilă să se zvârle cu capul înainte, în stare de orice sacrificiu, cum se zice.…

  • James Joyce

    {EN} A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man – James Joyce

    1. „What was after the universe? Nothing. But was there anything round the universe to show where it stopped before the nothing place began? It could not be a walk; but there could be a thin thin line there all round everything. Only God could do that. He tried to think what a big thought that must be; but he could only think of God. God was God’s name just as his name was Stephen. Dieu was the French for God and that was God’s name too; and when anyone prayed to God and said Dieu then God knew at once that it was a French person that was praying.…

  • Thomas Hardy

    {EN} Jude the Obscure – Thomas Hardy

    1. „Though Farmer Troutham had just hurt him, he was a boy who could not himself bear to hurt anything. He had never brought home a nest of young birds without lying awake in misery half the night after, and often reinstating them in the nest in their original place the next morning. He could scarcely bear to see trees cut down or lopped, from a fancy that it hurt them; and late pruning, when the sap was up and the tree bled profusely, had been a positive grief to him in his infancy. This weakness of character, as it may be called, suggested that he was the sort of…

  • John Grogan

    {EN} Marley, a dog like no other – John Grogan

    1. „In a dog’s life, some plaster would fall, some cushions would get ripped open, some rugs would shred. They were costs we came to balance against the joy and laughter and protection and companionship he gave us. We could have bought a yacht with what we spent on our dog and all the things he destroyed. We’d take Marley any day. Yachts don’t wait by the door all day for your return. And they don’t live for the moment they can climb into your lap or ride down the hill with you on a toboggan, licking your face.” 2. „To Marley, I hope you know how much I loved…

  • William Golding

    {EN} Lord of the Flies – William Golding

    1. „Wave after wave, Ralph followed the rise and fall until something of the remoteness of the sea numed his brain. Then gradually the almost infinite size of this land forced itself on his attention. This was the divider, the barrier. On the other side of the island, swathed at midday with mirage, defended by the shield of the quiet lagoon, one might dream of rescue;  but here, faced by the brute obtuseness of the ocean, the miles of division, one was clamped down, one was helpless, one was condemned, one was –„ 2. „Most, he was beginning to dread the curtain that might waver in his brain, blacking out…