• Anatole France

    {RO} Thais – Anatole France

    1. „Nimic nu e in sine cinstit sau rusinos, drept sau nedrept, placut sau dureros, bun sau rau. Singura parerea noastra da lucrurilor o insusire sau alta, asa cum sarea da gust bucatelor.” 2. „ Oamenii, mi-am spus in sinea mea, sufera pentru ca nu pot avea ceea ce cred ei ca este binele sau pentru ca se tem sa nu piarda ceea ce au, sau pentru ca indura ceea ce cred ei ca este un rau. Inlaturati orice asemenea credinta si toate relele vor disparea.” 3. „Parerea mea e ca nu trebuie sa ai nici o parere. Traiesc ferit de tulburari cu conditia sa traiesc fara dorinte.” 4. „Dar…

  • Rajaa Al Sanie

    {EN} Girls of Riyadh – Rajaa Al Sanie

    1. “Can a woman love a man for whom she has lost respect? How many love stories like mine ended after years, in a single night, because the woman suddenly saw the man for what he was? Men don’t necessarily love the one they respect and women are the opposite. They respect only the ones they love. “ 2. “Michelle had decided that today she would announce her victory over all men (…) swirling around the dance floor on the day her true love married someone else. If she had any tears to shed this evening, they should be for that poor bride whom circumstances would unite tonight, and all…